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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can benefit from Visual facilitation?


Visual Facilitation can benefit various individuals and groups across different domains. Here are some examples:


Facilitators and trainers:

Engage participants

Convey information effectively

Organize and structure ideas

Improve memory retention

Clarify complex ideas


Teams and organizations:

Promotes collaboration

Opens up creative thinking

Aids in brainstorming

Solves problems

Supports decision making

Identifies patterns and connections

Fosters a sense of ownership and community

Optimizes inclusion and belonging


Presenters and speakers:

Reinforces key points

Illustrates complex data or concepts

Adds visual interest

Increases audience engagement and comprehension


Coaches and consultants:

Analyze and map out complex problems

Identify opportunities

Organize ideas

Communicate recommendations and tools clearly

Foster dialogue with clients


Individuals and personal development:

Track personal development and growth

Goal setting

Identify clear next steps for action

Support self-reflection and evaluation


It's important to note that while visual facilitation offers numerous benefits, its effectiveness can vary based on individual preferences, learning styles, and cultural contexts.





Q: What is the Difference between visual facilitation and coaching?


Facilitation and coaching are two distinct approaches used in various professional and personal contexts, such as in organizational settings, educational environments, or personal development. While they share some similarities, there are key differences between the two.


Role and Focus:



A facilitator is a neutral guide who helps groups or individuals in achieving a specific objective. Their role is to manage the process, create an inclusive environment, and ensure effective communication and collaboration among participants. Facilitators do not typically provide direct advice or solutions but instead encourage active participation and decision-making by the group. Facilitators are skilled in process management, group dynamics and creating an inclusive space as well as providing visual representation of the content, discussion, decisions and plans. Facilitators are often engaged temporarily or intermittently to help the clients with a specific outcome.



A coach works one-on-one with an individual to support their personal or professional growth and development. Coaches help clients clarify goals, explore perspectives, develop skills, and overcome challenges. Unlike facilitators, coaches provide guidance, feedback, and tailored strategies to help the client achieve their desired outcomes. Coaches possession subject matter expertise – health, mindset, finance, leadership – that they use to guide a person to personal growth or taking action. Coaches have an ongoing relationship with clients to encourage, provide tools and support for ongoing improvement.


While there may be some overlap in skills and techniques used by facilitators and coaches, their primary focus, role, and context of practice distinguish them from each other. Both facilitation and coaching can be valuable approaches in fostering individual and group success, depending on the specific needs and objectives at hand.





Q: Can Visual facilitation be used for strategic planning?


Visual facilitation and strategic planning are two distinct but related concepts in the realm of organizational development and decision-making. Here's a breakdown of the difference between the two.


Visual Facilitation:

Visual facilitation is an approach that utilizes visual aids, such as drawings, diagrams, charts, and other visual tools, to enhance communication, understanding, and collaboration in group settings. It involves capturing and representing ideas, concepts, and discussions visually to make them more tangible and accessible to participants. In general, plans created during a Visual Facilitation Session are shorter term and more specific in terms of who, what and when tasks will be completed to move forward toward results.


Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning, on the other hand, is a structured process of defining an organization's long-term goals and objectives, and determining the most effective ways to achieve them. It involves assessing the organization's current situation, analyzing internal and external factors, setting strategic priorities, and developing action plans to guide decision-making and resource allocation.


While visual facilitation techniques can be employed within the context of strategic planning to enhance communication and understanding, strategic planning is a broader process that encompasses various activities beyond visual representation. It involves extensive analysis, decision-making frameworks, and the formulation of actionable plans to guide an organization's direction and resource allocation.





Q: Why is Visual Facilitation more inclusive?


Various studies and surveys have indicated that a significant portion of the population may have a preference for visual learning. One commonly cited model, the VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic) model, suggests that approximately 65% of people are visual learners. However, it is important to approach these statistics with caution, as the VARK model and similar frameworks have faced criticism for oversimplifying the complex nature of learning preferences.


Additionally, it's worth noting that individuals can have a combination of learning preferences and may not exclusively fit into one category. People often employ a variety of senses and learning strategies to process information effectively.

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