That's a word that we've heard a lot in the news media
particularly around the time of the election.
However, I'm not talking about that kind of loyalty.
To me, that kind of loyalty sounds like I'll be loyal to you as long as you give me this or you better be loyal to me or you won't get that from me.
That's not loyalty.
Loyalty is a consistent support of another person based on admiration of that person
or of the group
In ReponsAble People, the planning processes I use - I believe:
Build loyalty to an individual,
Build loyalty to a group,
Build Lloyalty to a community.
So contact me at Allison@ResponsAblePeople.com
And here is a link to my calendar to schedule right now.
Let's have a conversation about team building and building loyalty within your group
and loyalty toward each individual.
Build a support system that is going to help you
or your group go into the future with unrelenting support.